Results for 'Komang Ayu Henny Achjar'

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  1.  3
    Addressing Stunting Through Local Strategies: A Study of Social Phenomena in Various Regions of Indonesia.Komang Ayu Henny Achjar, Wayan Surasta, Agus Sri Lestari, Ni Komang Wiardani, Nyoman Ribek & Wigati - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:508-524.
    Purpose - This study examines local strategies for stunting prevention across various Indonesian regions, emphasizing the role of social phenomena in shaping these efforts. Design/methodology/approach - Thematic analysis, supported by NVivo software, was used to analyze the data, focusing on the interplay of social, cultural, and economic factors. Findings - The study revealed significant regional disparities in stunting rates and the effectiveness of prevention strategies. Community-driven initiatives, such as Gotong Royong, were particularly effective in fostering collective action and improving nutritional (...)
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    Emergency separation of conjoined twins in a tertiary hospital in Indonesia: three case reports.Andi Ade Wijaya Ramlan, Raihanita Zahra, Kshetra Rinaldhy, Christopher Kapuangan, Rahendra, Komang Ayu Ferdiana & Ahmad Yani - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-7.
    BackgroundEmergency separation of conjoined twins is performed when one twin is already dead or dying and threatens the survival of the other. The particular decision to perform an emergency separation of conjoined twins provides an ethical dilemma that needs special attention. Adding to the complexity of surgical and postsurgical management in emergency separation, ethical and sociocultural aspects further complicate decision-making.Case presentationFrom 1987 to 2022, 18 conjoined twin separations were performed in our centre. This paper describes three conjoined twin emergency separations. (...)
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  3. PROMOTING FOOD BIOFORTIFICATION IN AGRICULTURAL SECTORS THROUGH SCHOOL MEALS PROGRAM: THE SIGNIFICANCE OF NATIONAL POLICIES.Komang Agus Edi Suyoga, Sari Ni Putu Wulan Purnama, Chenaimoyo Lufutuko Faith Katiyatiya, Adrino Mazenda, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Background: Food biofortification practices in agricultural sectors involve the process of employing biotechnology to enhance the nutritional content of crops during their growth process. Biofortification makes foods even more nutritious and highly functional for addressing malnutrition among children. These practices in farming industries need guidance and legal support from various national policies to support high-quality supplies of school meals fully. Aim: This study aims to analyze the association between various national policies and the implementation of food biofortification practices in agricultural (...)
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  4. Henny Blomme on Kiyoshi Chiba's "Kants Ontologie der raumzeitlichen Wirklichkeit.".Henny Blomme - 2013 - Transcendental Philosophy Research Critique.
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    Politik, Philosophie, Praxis: Festschrift für Wilhelm Hennis zum 65. Geburtstag.Wilhelm Hennis & Hans Maier (eds.) - 1988 - Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.
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    Poverty, Ethics and Justice.Hennie P. P. Lötter - 2011 - University of Wales Press.
    Poverty is one of the most serious moral issues of our time that does not yet get the appropriate response it deserves. This book first gives an in depth moral analysis and evaluation of the complex manifestations of poverty. It then offers a series of ethical reasons to motivate everyone to engage in the struggle to eradicate poverty. -/- Social science research results are synthesized into a definition and explanation of poverty that provide proper background for moral evaluation. Poverty is (...)
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    On the Role of Biomedical Knowledge in Clinical Reasoning by Experts, Intermediates and Novices.Henny P. A. Boshuizen & Henk G. Schmidt - 1992 - Cognitive Science 16 (2):153-184.
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  8. La verdad.Ruiz Ayúcar & Miguel[From Old Catalog] - 1970 - Madrid, etc.: Apostolado de la Prensa, etc..
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  9. La preuve de l'espace absolu et l'argument des homologues non congruents en 1768.Henny Blomme - 2009 - In Luc Langlois (ed.), Les années 1747-1781 : Kant avant la Critique de la raison pure. Vrin. pp. 169-176.
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    (1 other version)Les virages transcendantaux dans le parcours de Sein und Zeit.Henny Blomme - 2005 - Phänomenologische Forschungen / Phenomenological Studies / Recherches Phénoménologiques 2005 (1):137-165.
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    On the Mediate Proof of Transcendental Idealism.Henny Blomme - 2016 - Studia Kantiana 14 (21):11-26.
    Scholars who consider that the Transcendental Analytic contains the core of what Kant calls ‘transcendental idealism’ are mistaken. Indeed, Kant’s transcendental idealism of space, time and spatiotemporal objects is sufficiently proved in the Transcendental Aesthetic and does not depend on complementary claims made later on in the Critique. This does not mean, however, that we are allowed to subscribe to the so-called separability-thesis, which states that we can endorse Kant's views in the Transcendental Logic without endorsing the results of the (...)
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  12. Pourquoi la chimie ne peut-elle aspirer au titre de science proprement dite?Henny Blomme - 2011 - In Grapotte Sophie, Lequan Mai & Ruffing Margit (eds.), Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Vrin. pp. 129-138.
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    Politik als praktische Wissenschaft: Aufsätze zur politischen Theorie und Regierungslehre.Wilhelm Hennis - 1968 - München: R. Piper.
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    Poverty.Hennie Lotter - 2014 - In Darrel Moellendorf & Heather Widdows (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Global Ethics. London: Routledge.
    A brief overview of the chapter: Its section headings 1. The main champions of the cause of the poor a) Pioneering Peter Singer b) Ground-breaking John Rawls c) Low impact and high frustration for Thomas Pogge… d) …and pointed satisfaction for Sen (and Nussbaum)? 2. Have we made progress in dealing with poverty and global inequality? a) Aid transformed into development cooperation b) How many people are still poor? c) Do we know what poverty is and how it works? 3. (...)
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    The implications of Jesus’ radical love.Hennie J. C. Pieterse - 2011 - HTS Theological Studies 67 (3).
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  16. Dialita choir: Women survivors reclaiming history in Indonesia.Ayu Ratih - 2025 - In Alison Crosby (ed.), Memorializing violence: transnational feminist reflections. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.
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    The accuracy of Hopkins Symptom Checklist – 25 depression subscales on adolescents.Ayu Rahmawati Tirto & Sherly S. Turnip - 2019 - Humanitas: Indonesian Psychological Journal 16 (1):1.
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    Gender differences in the experience of loneliness among adolescents in Jakarta.Komang Bara Wedaloka & Sherly Saragih Turnip - 2019 - Humanitas: Indonesian Psychological Journal 16 (1):33.
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    Antinomien der Kant-Forschung.Henny Blomme - 2018 - In Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing & David Wagner (eds.), Natur und Freiheit: Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. De Gruyter. pp. 53-56.
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    Non-Verbal Paradigm for Assessing Individuals for Absolute Pitch.Henny Kupferstein & Bong J. Walsh - 2016 - World Futures 72 (7):390-405.
    Autistic individuals have been observed to demonstrate high intelligence through musical communication, leading to many empirical studies on this topic. Absolute Pitch has been a captivating phenomenon for researchers, although there has been disagreement regarding AP percentages among the population and appropriate testing methods for AP. This study analyzed data collected from 118 people, using a pitch matching paradigm designed specifically to be inclusive of those who are likely to have note-naming difficulty due to communication challenges. Thirty-eight participants were autistic (...)
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  21. Lambert's system of the sciences.Henny Blomme - 2025 - In Gabriele Gava, Thomas Sturm & Achim Vesper (eds.), Kant and the systematicity of the sciences. New York: Routledge.
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    (1 other version)How can a society make its citizens just?Hennie Lotter - 2001 - South African Journal of Philosophy 20 (1):90-101.
    How can citizens be made just? I focus on how modern constitutional democracies can entice, convince, and guide their citizens to become just. I rely chiefly on Rawls's theory of justice, as well as the work of sociologist Derek L. Phil lips. I argue that internal control by citizens themselves is the best option. This view is attractive because every citizen can play a part in establishing and maintaining the public conception of justice by being role models, engaging in dialogue (...)
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    Chrysostom on hunger and famine.Hennie Stander - 2011 - HTS Theological Studies 67 (1).
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    Is Psalm 104 an expression of dark green religion?Hennie Viviers - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3):1-8.
    Bron Taylor defines dark green religion as follows: '… a deep sense of belonging to and connectedness in nature, while perceiving the earth and its living systems to be sacred and interconnected'. Can Psalm 104, with its conspicuous focus on nature, also be described as an expression of dark green religion? Utilising especially the dark green values of belonging, interconnectedness and sacredness, it was found that the psalm aptly confirms Earth as home, illustrates a deep-seated kinship with other living creatures (...)
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  25. Können wir den ursprünglichen Raum erkennen?Henny Blomme - 2013 - In Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner & Carsten Olk (eds.), Das Leben der Vernunft. Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 30-39.
    Mit dem Terminus 'ursprünglicher Raum' wird der Raum bezeichnet, der Kant innerhalb der transzendentalen Ästhetik als reine subjektive Form der Anschauung des äußeren Sinnes bestimmt. Man könnte ihn auch den 'ästhetischen Raum' nennen. Auf jeden Fall muss er vom (proto-)geometrischen Raum unterschieden werden, da letzterer eine Einheit voraussetzt die auf einer Synthesis beruht, und dadurch – weil bei Kant alle Synthesis unter den Kategorien steht – weniger ursprünglich zum Anschauungsvermögen gehört. Es ist diese Unterscheidung zwischen dem ursprünglichen Raum, der „Form (...)
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  26. When I needed a neighbour, were you there?Hennie Lotter - 2008 - Lux Verbi.
    In the book "When I needed a neighbour were you there? Christians and the Challenge of Poverty" I highlight the overwhelming evidence that involvement with poor people and the issues of poverty is a fundamental part of what it means to be Christian. The life and teaching of Jesus Christ suggest that all Christians should be seriously concerned about the plight of poor people. Why? Let me explain. Jesus is the foundation of the Christian faith and role model for Christian (...)
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    Justice for an unjust society.Hennie P. P. Lötter - 1993 - Rodopi.
    In the introductory chapter of this book I firstly argue that the contemporary debate on justice focuses exclusively on matters of justice pertinent to nearly just societies; in the second place, I suggest that radically unjust societies generate problems of justice that cannot be solved by the naive application of current theories of justice. It follows that these problems of justice for unjust societies demand to be discussed in their own right. -/- In what follows, just such an attempt will (...)
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    The media as a cultural problem: Max Weber's sociology of the press.Wilhelm Hennis - 1998 - History of the Human Sciences 11 (2):107-110.
    During 1909 and 1910, Max Weber planned a major study of the con temporary newspaper business. Although the project eventually col lapsed, he did draft an outline proposal which is here translated into English for the first time.
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  29. The pitiless 'sobriety of judgement': Max Weber between Carl Menger and Gustav von Schmoller — the academic politics of value freedom.Wilhelm Hennis - 1991 - History of the Human Sciences 4 (1):27-59.
  30. Rawls, Young, and the Scope of Justice.Hennie Lötter - 1999 - Theoria 46 (94):90-107.
    What is justice all about? What is the scope of the concept of justice? What issues can legitimately be evaluated in terms of justice? In her book Justice and the Politics of Difference, Iris Marion Young challenges the concept of justice as defined by John Rawls and used by many others in the philosophical debates that responded to Rawls’s, A Theory of Justice (1971). Is Young’s critique on the prevailing use of the concept of justice and contemporary theories of justice (...)
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  31. Dieu en vue du système. Le statut de l'ens summum dans l'Opus postumum de Kant.Henny Blomme - 2013 - In Robert Theis (ed.), Kant : Théologie et religion. Vrin.
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    Sur la voie de la formulation du problème de l’objectivité : concepts premiers et réforme de la métaphysique chez Tetens et Kant.Henny Blomme - 2018 - Astérion 18 (18).
    In this text, I offer an investigation of the role played by “fundamental concepts” within the first sketches of two projects of a reform of metaphysics: the project of Johann Nikolaus Tetens and the project of Immanuel Kant. One year before the Berlin Academy published its famous Prize Question of 1761 (which asks for a comparison of the methods of metaphysics and geometry), Tetens had already published a short text in which he inquired into the causes of the small number (...)
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    Caught in the crossfire of early modern controversy: Strabo on Moses and his corrupt successors.Sundar Henny - 2018 - Intellectual History Review 28 (1):35-59.
    The Greek geographer Strabo described Moses as a charismatic leader who had instilled in his followers a simple form of worship and an unconventional form of government. Subsequent generations of Moses’s successors had exploited people’s awe of the sacred, however, in order to erect a superstitious and tyrannical hierocracy. John Toland’s Origines Judaicae (1709) relied heavily on Strabo’s testimony in its denunciation of superstition and priestcraft. Strabo’s passage on Moses was well known, not only to Toland but to Christian apologists (...)
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    Learning a Phonological Contrast Modulates the Auditory Grouping of Rhythm.H. Henny Yeung, Anjali Bhatara & Thierry Nazzi - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (6):2000-2020.
    Perceptual grouping is fundamental to many auditory processes. The Iambic–Trochaic Law (ITL) is a default grouping strategy, where rhythmic alternations of duration are perceived iambically (weak‐strong), while alternations of intensity are perceived trochaically (strong‐weak). Some argue that the ITL is experience dependent. For instance, French speakers follow the ITL, but not as consistently as German speakers. We hypothesized that learning about prosodic patterns, like word stress, modulates this rhythmic grouping. We tested this idea by training French adults on a German‐like (...)
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    Raising Consciousness through Film.Leonard Henny - 1980 - Communications 6 (1):95-110.
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    Regierbarkeit: Studien zu ihrer Problematisierung.Wilhelm Hennis, Peter Kielmansegg & Ulrich Matz (eds.) - 1977 - Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.
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    The spiritualist foundation of Max Weber's 'Interpretative Sociology': Ernst Troeltsch Max Weber and William James' Varieties of Religious Experience.Wilhelm Hennis - 1998 - History of the Human Sciences 11 (2):83-106.
    William James' Varieties of Religious Experience was published in 1902, and translated into German in 1907. This essay explores the develop ment of Max Weber's investigations into human psychology and forms of religious life, arguing that James' work had a lasting impact on Max Weber and coloured the development of his 'sociological' investi gations.
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  38. Clement and alexandrian christianity.Henny Fiskå Hägg - 2009 - In Dwight Jeffrey Bingham (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Early Christian Thought. Routledge.
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    Empowerment for Teaching Excellence Through Virtuous Agency.Hennie Lötter - 2021 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
    This books offers new ways to think about teaching excellence in higher education. After surveying key debates on this topic, the author presents a definition of the concept of teaching excellence. He then offers a fresh interpretation of Boyer’s famous account of scholarship as the foundation of university teaching. To fully understand the nature of teaching excellence in higher education, the book then gives an account of the various dimensions of the domain of university teaching and the core drivers required (...)
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    John Rawls [1921–2002].Hennie Lötter - 2004 - South African Journal of Philosophy 23 (2):111-111.
    This article is a very brief introduction to the work of John Rawls, the topic of this special edition of this journal.
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  41. Peran identitas jenis kelamin sebagai variabel moderator dalam hubungan antara kebutuhan berprestasi, kebutuhan berafiliasi Dan kebutuhan berkuasa Dengan kinerja karyawan.Ayu Dwi Nindyati - 2010 - Phronesis (Misc) 6 (11).
    This research was aimed to discover whether sex-role identity could play a significant role as moderating variable to the relation between McClleland’s needs of achievement, affiliation and power and employee’s performance. Subjects of this research were employees in scales division from a cosmetical company in Jakarta Following Baron and Kenny’s ideas, data was analyzed with two way analysis of variance. The main hypothesis in this research is moderating effect of sex role identity in how need of achievement, need of affiliation (...)
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    Die kerklike hantering van eietydse transformasieprosesse deur die bedryf van ‘n arbeidspsigologiese nywerheidsbedieningsmodel.Hennie J. C. Pieterse & Michau Müller - 2011 - HTS Theological Studies 67 (2).
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    Making Jesus’ parables accessible to postmodern people.Hennie J. C. Pieterse - 2011 - HTS Theological Studies 67 (3).
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    Preaching: An initial theoretical exploration.Hennie Pieterse & Cas Wepener - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (2):8.
    In this article the event of preaching is explored by making use of both older and newer sources. Whilst taking cognisance of continuous contextual changes and developments within the discipline of Homiletics, core hermeneutical, theological and homiletical aspects of preaching are revisited. The aim of this exploration is to formulate a preliminary theory of preaching that can be revisited and revised as part of a larger empirical homiletical investigation which makes use of Grounded Theory. Contribution: This article adheres to the (...)
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    Prediking oor die koninkryk van God: ’n Uitdaging in ’n nuwe konteks van armoede.Hennie J. C. Pieterse - 2009 - HTS Theological Studies 65 (1).
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    Preaching with integrity, imagination and hope.Hennie J. C. Pieterse - 2011 - HTS Theological Studies 67 (3).
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    Scientific-theoretical research approach to practical theology in South Africa: A contemporary overview.Hennie J. C. Pieterse - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (4):1-9.
    In this article, I present a critical literature study of the theoretical approach of practical theologians in South Africa to our discipline, in honour of Yolanda Dreyer on her 60th birthday. Some of my colleagues' approaches at the universities of Stellenbosch, Free State, Pretoria, Unisa and NWU are discussed. All of them work with practical theological hermeneutics. The basic hermeneutic approach of Daniël Louw is widened with an integrated approach by Richard R. Osmer in which practical theology as a hermeneutic (...)
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  48.  15
    Two ancient theologians’ interpretations of the withered fig tree (Mt 21:18–22).Hennie F. Stander - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):8.
    This article is an investigation on how two theologians from the Early Church interpreted the withered fig tree, as narrated by the evangelist Matthew (Mt 21:18–22). The two theologians referred to are Origen of Alexandria, who belongs to the pre-Nicene era and represents the Alexandrian School, and Ps.-Chrysostom who belongs to the post-Nicene era, and represents the School of Antioch. Origen believed that when the fig tree withered, it referred to Israel’s withering. This interpretation of the narrative surrounding the withered (...)
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  49. Santayana on Beauty.Henny Wenkart - 1982 - Analecta Husserliana 12:321.
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  50. L'être de l'ombre.Henny Blomme - 2014 - In Philosophie nach Kant. Neue Wege zum Verständnis von Kant's Transzendental- und Moralphilosophie. pp. 107-126.
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